Saturday, January 14, 2006

Iran will soon get what's coming to them

It looks more and more like Iran is going to get what's coming to them, as I predicted in an earlier post. This week, talks between the E3 and Iran stalled this week leaving the European Union and the United States little choice except to refer them to UN Security Council.

For its part, Iran has vowed to block weapons inspectors from entering it's 'peaceful' nuclear facilities if it is referred to the Security Council. Anticipate those 'peaceful' nuclear facilities not lasting around for the rest of the year. Either the United States or Israel will launch a joint but covert mission to make sure that the facilites aren't around for long.

This will have devastating affects for the goals of the United States to bring peace to the Middle East. If this happens, not only will Iran continue supplying terrorists to Iraq, it will begin a more overt attempt at its aim of trying to wipe away Israel. Should be interesting to see how things turn out.

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