Monday, February 13, 2006

We goin' Wabbit Huntin'..

Obviously, the big story over the weekend was the fact that VP Dick Cheney accidently shot lawyer and friend Harry Whittington in the face in a hunting trip over the weekend.

What may emerge in the coming days as the bigger story over the next two days is exactly when the White House decided to admit that there was an incident to report. is reporting that the shooting occurred Saturday night, however, the information was not replaced to the public until Sunday.

Two things at issue here, first the Vice President of the United States shooting someone, and second, the speed of which the news was released to the press. I'll address the second issue first.

In an era where we have blackberry's, cellular phones (let alone landline phones), laptops, fax machines, overnight express package delivery, and high speed Web access, it's kinda hard to believe that this news wasn't reported earlier then 12 hours after the fact. Hell, I probably could have distributed a little yellow sticky quicker than the White House telling press about this situation. It's really ridiculous and quite frankley, unprofessional.

Second, the VP of the United States shot somebody! This is huuugggeee news. Granted it was an accident, and it was on a hunting trip, but it isn't every day that the second (or third) most powerful man in the World can shoot someone and get away with it. I recall logging onto yesterday to see the headline "VP Cheney Shoots Someone!" The first thought that entered my mind is that he finally had had enough of people giving him crap about Iraq so he whipped out one of his Security Detail's 9mm and shut him up.

However, after reading the story I learned that the VP was on a hunting trip and misfired his weapon in the direction of a lawyer. I find it really interesting that this hasn't been a bigger story. In any case, it should be great late night TV fodder for weeks.

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