Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm Gonna Knock Hov Out

LL Cool J is mad at his boss. There's nothing wrong with that, other than the fact that his boss happens to be Jay-Z. Jigga-man recently came out of retirement with his new album "Kingdom Come" (which by the way is available at all retail outlets near you).

LL was quoted as saying, "How am I going to re-sign with competition? I can't depend on that man to promote my record while he's somewhere writing rhymes."

Uhm, LL, James, a couple things before you go off any further on your boss: First, Jay is an artist just like you. He can drop an album whenever he damn well feels like it. Just because your last few albums have been dogshit, don't get all bitchy when a colleague and fellow label artist decides to make another album.

Second, and most important, Jay is your boss. He's the CEO of Def Jam. This means that someone at your label thought he was more intelligent than you at running a record company. This also means that he has to keep Def Jam competitive with all the other labels out there, so it may have been a business decision by him to do another album to drive sales at the label. In other words LL, it was for the greater good of the label.

Now be a good boy and go finish your next piece of garbage.

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