Monday, April 17, 2006

It Don't Stop...'Cause It Can't Stop

Oil prices settled above $70 per barrel today for the first time since Killer Katrina stormed her way on shore in early September.

Gas prices where I live are relatively low compared with prices in the rest of the donations. I put Premium Unleaded fuel in my SUV this morning and spend $2.53/gallon. These prices aren't that bad, however, the sad thing is, these are prices before the summer driving season starts on Memorial Day weekend - a weekend in which traditionally Gas Stations typically raise their prices $.10-$.15 regardless of what gas prices are currently at.

Normally I'd be fine with this, but if oil continues to be be in $65-$75 per barrel range, it's quite possible that even I could be paying $3 a gallon for gas this summer (goodbye 5x's a week sbux).

The question is, how do we resolve the situation? When we first went into Iraq, I was excited because I thought it meant that we were going to paying $.25 for gas in a matter of weeks. However, we all know how that one turned out.

Now with Iran pissing and moaning about having WMD's, and further instability in the MidEast, the oil situation is anything but stable. The Bush Administration has proposed 'weening' us off Oil, however, how serious can he be about this? He and his family have a vested financial interest in seeing the United States buy oil at the rate that it does.

Another thing, I was watching one of those pathetic morning news show on the always credible Fox News Channel, and actually heard one of the commentators state that "American's are discovering the Hybrid vehicles aren't as cracked up as they first thought they were." Uhm, excuse me? Is that why Toyota Prius' can't stay in stock at my local Toyota dealer? Is that why there's a significant premium on hybrid cars?

Frankly Speaking, we as people DO need to stop relying on foreign oil, but it's not going to be a quick fix. It's going to take time, and it's not going to be pretty. But I think eventually it can be done. Are there alternative energy solutions that can be developed? Absolutely (that is, if all our scientists don't move to another country, I digress). Instead of spending billions on a space program right now (that isn't feasible) maybe we should focus first being able to travel down the street to the local sbux without having to rely on a substance produced mainly by the enemies of the United States.

I will now go back to my venti carmal frap.

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