Thursday, April 13, 2006

Syndication Thursday: Valleywag

A fairly 'new' blog from the wonderful world of Gawker: I give you - a social commentary on the life and times of Silicon Valley. I will also be linking to it on the right-hand of my blog. Hope you enjoy:

The New York Times today touts Zunafish, the revolutionary sharing site that lets users swap books, CDs, and other media. It's like Mediachest or Delicious Monster or Peerflix or GameTZ or Lala -- but with fewer options.
So the online sharing business is booming. (It's not piracy, it's sharing! It's not socialism, it's Web 2.0!) This is all well and good, but there must be something grander out there...say, a place where everyone would put their media, and it could be shared from this centralized source.
Users could pay a fee when they lived in a city with one of these centers, and then access them for free. Accounts could run on, um, some sort of card system. Yeah. This'll be brilliant! We'll give it a bubbly logo and call it Shareby.

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