Wednesday, May 31, 2006


There's currently a fantastic edition of Frontline running right now regarding AIDS. It's gone to great lengths at describing the history of AIDS and the many problems that it causes around the world.

Growing up where I did, AIDS wasn't generally a problem we concerned ourselves with in social conversation. I recall hearing a little bit about it when I was in 6th Grade, but still didn't fully grasp what the disease really meant.

Even in the mid and late 1990s, I understood how AIDS was passed person to person, but again, owing to the fact that I lived in Theological State, I didn't have to spend much time worrying about contracting it.

The Frontline Documentry has really opened my eyes about the problem that AIDS caused people here in the US as well as people in Africa, Europe and Asia. The truly sad thing is I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands of other people who like me, will never believe that AIDS will affect them.

What do we do about this disease? For the last twenty years, scientists have been promising a vaccine for AIDS, only to fail us time and time again. Billions of dollars have been spent in research in trying to find a cure. However, nothing has been very successful.

And what about the drugs that are 'somewhat' effective in fighting against HIV (the virus that causes AIDS)? Usually any drugs that are effective come at an extreme price - only people with money can afford them. Case in point: Magic Johnson.

In 1991, Johnson announced that he had to retire from the NBA owing to his acquiring of HIV. 15 years after announcing this, he looks a live and very well week after week while working as an Television announcer for the NBA. What's more, he is a very successful businessman.

Is it right that only people with money can live?

1 comment:

Electrical Contractors Louisiana said...

Thoughtful blog, thanks for posting.