Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Note to the residents of Utah

The purpose of this post is mainly cathartic, as living in this God-forsaken place has finally taken its toll on me. I really don't like to disclose a lot about me, although by looking at some of my previous posts, it's fairly obvious to figure out a little bit about who I am.

I live in the State of Utah. I don't like it, I'm trying to move out, but for now, I have to deal with my current situation. I would like to write a note to the residents who live here. I should preface this by saying that this is a generalization and it doesn't apply to everyone who lives here, but for the most part, it's true:

First, nobody outside of the state takes you seriously. People look down upon those who live here. People who live here are basically viewed by outsiders as no different from people who live in states like Idaho, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Montana, and the deep South. Generally speaking, you are all a bunch of hicks. The question that is now coming to most Utah resident's is 'Why?' Well, I'll be happy to tell.

First and foremost is the religious thing. You guys take it way to damn seriously. Folks, religion is not everything. And no, the Mormon religion is not the 'one and only true' religion on the face of the Earth. God doesn't take away other's free agency by demanding they join this or that religion, so why should you?

Along with religion, you still allow polygamy to flourish in the State. If you don't believe me, take a look at the South-Western part of the Salt Lake Valley, Centeral Utah, and of course Southern Utah. The Attorney General has not done a damn thing about the blatant violation of State and Federal polygamy laws, nor will he ever.

Another thing that irks me about the State is horrible driving. You people cannot drive for shit. You don't signal when you turn, you can't merge properly, you weave when cars are in your lane, you don't drive when you're supposed to, you don't stop when you're supposed to, and most importantly of all, you DON'T ANTICIPATE HOW YOUR ACTIONS WILL AFFECT OTHERS!

Another thing that bothers me about Utah is the local press, or lack there of. The local news looks like it was produced at the local high-school. Anything that involves 'The Church' is front page news/lead story news. Your anchors are inarticulate. And the news stations fire people for finding dirt about someone's past.

Horrible doesn't begin to describe your sports team. A perfect example of this is the fact that the owner of the Utah Jazz would rather spend money by expanding his movie theater empire, rather than spend money on obtaining top talent in the NBA with the hopes of possibly winning an NBA Championship.

I could go on and on but it really wouldn't serve a purpose, and I'm pretty sure that I've done a good job in describing what living in Utah is like. If any of you disagree, feel free to post your thoughts in the comments section.

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